Saturday, November 15, 2008


(I can use big words.)

Anyway, I have to whine where no one reads whatever the fuck I post. I obviously don't keep only one blog, and the other one is a mixture of fangirlism, rant, and a way to keep up with friends and family. Not really a good combination. Fangirlism used to take about 70% of that blog(not anymore). I personally believe a good taste in music deserves celebration. To confess, the entirety of the fangirlism was about Radiohead(surprise!). According to one random person that doesn't even comment on my blog(she wrote this on my FRIEND'S blog), I frequently mentioned my "knowledge about Radiohead" when there are "a ton more people who know the band better" than I do. Hey, you know what? Radiohead is still better than Arctic Monkeys, Travis, Coldplay, or whatever shit you listen to.

A few days ago, the mentioned friend posted about people believing suicides deserve going to Hell. I replied, "But I thought the last page of The Sorrows of Young Werther was about that? It should have been around for a long time." Another comment by the omniscient random person who knows me so well that she doesn't even need to comment on my page said "your showing off is at the level of 'disgusting.'" I read The Sorrows of Young Werther at least 15 times and it's one of my favorite books of all time.

I would rather say to tell me directly what she doesn't like about me, but it wouldn't work. What would I do after she does tell me? Would I fix that and not mention my favorite books and pretend I don't know anything about my favorite band? Not really. I don't write gay fanfics about them. Even if I do, if I've got a 500 gig collection of Radiohead music only, I should deserve awe. Most loser behaviour of her was talking behind my back online. I have met many people online whom I didn't like/hated, but I didn't talk behind them online. It's such a loser thing to do.

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