Sunday, December 14, 2008

Figured I'd Write This: Twilight

You probably did expect me to write about this. If someone ever reads my blog. Which I don't think so. But I'm kinda afraid that those mad 12-year-old Twilight fans google every single blog post on Twilight and start sympathising/criticising.

1. I didn't read Twilight. Would I contaminate myself voluntarily? Furthermore, I don't want to add another $9 to the total income of that movie.

2. I don't approve of vampires fighting werewolves. They're supposed to be separate. SEPARATE

3. I don't approve of any vampire being the perfect person in the world. Nor do I approve of any woman having an affair with that vampire. Because--
a. He's probably gay then
b. He'd be going out with vampire girls if he's straight by the slight chance. They don't age and they can't get pregnant and put you in trouble. Or do they?

4. Bella is a stupid name. Bellatrix Lestrange is a witch, duh.

5. No spoiled girl can be like Bella. You either have the rest and no parents or have parents and none of the rest.

6. I do agree that it's Stephenie Meyer's personal fantasy, and I think it's a tragedy that a 34-year-old woman has nothing better to do than writing her personal romantic fantasy into a series of three bible-thick books. I just googled her, and she does look like she is a "desperate housewife."

7. Last but not least. Actually, biggest. Why do they have fucking 15 Steps for the credit music? I can't believe it. As long as I know, there is absolutely no one in Radiohead who would approve using their music for such a crappy movie. This is a bigger tragedy than a fat (is she fat? In some pictures she's not, some pictures--like one on Wikipedia--she's fat) 34-year-old writing about a vampire guy making love with a human teenage girl. WHY?

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