Monday, September 29, 2008

Who Said Teenagers Are Stupid?

I fully support and respect his/her opinion.

God. I am very unproud to present the Neville boys in my school--Neville is a House. Those two guys who eat the hottest pepper in the world are both in my history class. We also have two blonde blonde girls and two dumbass football players(one of them broke the fan and it's dangling over everyone's head now. I have never felt unsafer in any other class). You can picture how the class goes.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Free Country

Americans so fucking abuse the word "free country". They think America is the only country in the world that gives its citizens freedom of speech, religion, blah blah. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT? Virtually every country on the earth is a free country. Even North Korea is theoretically a free country (you didn't know that!). And according to my experience at Amnesty International last year, Americans do have government shutting people's mouths up, suppressing certain opinions and such. You thought Bush was towards freedom.

If America is a free country, do people have rights to think and say whatever they want to? Yes. However, do they think and say things that might be against other governments of certain "unfree" foreign country? NO, THEY DON'T. That's the thing. Americans support freedom of speech, but they can live as they do now without the fucking freedom of speech. In fact, they do not seem to think at all. I'm not saying all Americans are ignorant rednecks. I'm just saying, your country is not the only free country on the earth. There are plenty of free countries.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Google Android

Isn't this awesome? I definitely want to get one of these... Not sure if I'd be able to afford it(right, I don't have $170 to spend on a phone). But it tops iPhone. I admit it's a copy, but iPhone is a copy too, if you haven't noticed, Samsung has made one of those touchscreen infinite apps phone. I am afraid I might turn into a Google whore. But these are really cool. Plus, I'd be able to say "oh, your phone is an iPhone! I've a Google Android. I'm probably the only person in school who has an Android." or something, 'cause not a lot of people will be getting these if they already have an iPhone. I'm the minority now. Yay.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Web Censorship

My school just started blocking all websites that are at least remotely amusing. Why should I be complaining about that when I don't bring my laptop to school? I am a dorm student.

This is just not right. Not being able to access any of my blogs except for this one? No fucking way. I was at least able to access my blogs before they switched the provider to iPrism. Websense has recently been very generous, some people even reported being able to access porn.

I am making every dormie in school sign a petition. I'm not tolerating this for three more years.

Edit: YouTube is blocked. This is NOT right.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The New iTunes

In four words: I don't like it. (Don't try to argue that it's actually five words)

The new iTunes 8 puts me under a strong impression that Apple is trying to take over I was actually excited about Genius, the music recommender, when I first read the description. Turned out that it's not genius. The purpose of it and everything is great, but you have to buy the music.

Seriously, who does that? Well, most people still do buy music, but they do rather in a physical form, not in the form of an iTunes file that's not compatible with anything but Apple products. And you know what? is free.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My Personality DNA

My personalDNA Report

I think this looks pretty. A "concerned experiencer" is not that bad anyway.